For those who escaped the Boston area, just think, you missed all that frolicking in the snow!
Down we go...
Down we go again...
Cold Mountain
And another blizzard or Nor'easter--January 26/27--It was reported that New York City was blasted with 19 inches and thunder and lightning. We got about 12 inches and some drifting.
Snowmageddon-snow and ice-February 1 and 2
Braving the snow mixed with ice
Roof, only one of many throughout the area, collapses under the accumulated weight of snow and ice.
With the adverse weather conditions it took firefighters 35 minutes to get the fire under control. Fortunately, the occupant had escaped safely.
Ken on assignment during snowstorm
Ken McGagh photos
Fortuitously, the man who plows for me, one of my former students, not only plows out my driveway, but also he shovels out my front and back sidewalks. Oh, well, spring cannot be far away! On Groundhog Day, February 2nd, the famous, or infamous, rodent did not see his shadow, portending an early spring, or so goes the legend!
Mary McGagh photos
What a winter! (2011) Then we had a hurricane in August! In October we had a snowstorm, which knocked out power for some for many days! However, the winter of 2012 was rather mild for New England, and it was followed by an ideal spring and summer.